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Passenger list

The passenger list shows you a list of all the passengers who are booked for each of your departures for the day. It allows you to filter by tours and departures, show bookable extras, booking questions and set who has arrived and who is a no-show, giving you all the information you need to prepare for the day with your customers.

To get to the Passenger list page, select Operations > Passenger list.

By default, the passenger list shows all passengers for the day organised by departure time and tour.

You can filter your passenger lists by departures, tours and dates:

  • Select the time and tour you wish to see information for from the "Departures" and "Tours" drop-down lists
  • select the date in the field next to them.

To see information on bookable extras, you can tick the "Show Extras" checkbox. That should complete your list and show all the data needed for you to prepare for the day.

To see information on bookable questions that you have added to the specific product and the answers customer have provided during the booking process, you can tick the "Show Questions and answers" checkbox.