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Bókun website: Adding a WhatsApp chat widget

The WhatsApp widget enables customers to get in touch with you quickly and easily, especially on mobile.

The WhatsApp widget enables customers to get in touch with you quickly and easily, especially on mobile. This can improve engagement, conversion and makes it easier to convert site visitors into real customers.

When travellers click on the WhatsApp button, a chat opens on their device. On mobile, the widget opens in the traveller’s WhatsApp account. On desktop, the WhatsApp web version opens.

By adding the Advanced Website Upgrade app, you can add a WhatsApp chat widget to your website. The App is FREE of charge. Get more information on our Apps.


Adding the widget to your website

To add the widget:

  1. In the left panel menu of your Bókun website builder, click Widgets and find the WhatsApp widget under the Social section
  2. Click and drag the WhatsApp widget into your site.


To set ensure your WhatsApp is set up correctly, go to the content editor:

  1. Right-click the widget, and click Edit Content.
  2. Enter your WhatsApp phone number. Make sure the number has only digits and includes the country code.
  3. You can then add a default message which you’ll receive when your travellers reach out. However, please note travellers may edit this before sending
  4. Add an Alt Text for the widget, for example “Message us here” or “Message us on WhatsApp”.


Finally, you can change some design elements by navigating to the Design tab of the widget. Here you can change:

  • The logo design/layout
  • The size of the widget
  • Spacing and padding


Other things to note:

  • Make sure the phone number you add has a WhatsApp account associated with it.
  • The phone number will be visible to travellers engaging with the widget.
  • If a traveller does not have WhatsApp installed on their device, they will be directed to WhatsApp’s installation flow.
  • If a traveller clicks on the widget from an iOS tablet, they will be directed to a WhatsApp page that directs them to download the app on desktop or mobile. Note: You can hide the widget for specific devices by right-clicking on the widget, select Hide on Device and select where you don’t want the widget to appear.